Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fish Balls (Hong Kong)

World-Bites (41) / Fish Balls

Snacking is a way of life for Hong Kong people, and females are the biggest ‘snackers’ in spite of always claiming to be watching their weight. According to various studies, there were more than 300 kiosks selling street snacks throughout Hong Kong -- and growing. While Hong Kong people don’t need a reason to snack, the Chinese New Year is just an occasion where they will buy them in abundance for themselves and friends. Among all street snack items, the most favorite snack is Fish Balls among Hong Kong people.


1/2 pound flaked fish
1/3 cup saltine cracker crumbs
1 large egg, beaten
2 teaspoons finely minced green onion tops or leeks
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon grain mustard
1/4 teaspoon hot red pepper sauce
Bread crumbs
Oil for frying
Parsley, lemon wedges for garnish
Dipping sauce if desired


Any type of fish you prefer will be fine for this recipe. If using raw fish, grind or chop meat really fine. If already cooked, just flake it into a bowl. Stir in the next seven ingredients and roll into bite size balls. Place on parchment or wax paper and refrigerate several hours to firm.

Roll each ball into bread crumbs to coat returning them to the paper. Heat a half inch of oil in a frying pan (or use a deep fryer for faster results) and heat until almost smoking. Add a few balls at a time frying on all sides until golden brown. Remove to paper towels to drain and cook remaining balls. Keep warm until ready to serve by placing in a low heated oven or warming tray.

Arrange on serving tray garnished with the parsley and lemon slices if desired. Serve with your favorite dipping sauce.

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