Saturday, March 13, 2010

Khmer Shrimp Patties (Cambodia)

World-Bites (39) / Khmer Shrimp Patties

Shrimp is a very common Cambodian ingredient, together with other sea food delicacies. Num Pa Kon Chien (Khmer shrimp patties) is a very popular snack along with other dishes such as the Turmeric Fried Fish, Cambodian Fishcakes, Steamed Trout with Spring Onions.


* 1 lb ground shrimp
* 1 clove garlic
* 2 chopped green onions
* 1/4 tsp soy sauce
* 1/2 tsp fish sauce
* 1/4 tsp sugar
* 1 tsp paprika
* 1/4 tsp black pepper
* 1 egg (white only)
* 1 cup flour
* Oil for frying

In a large bowl, mix ground shrimp, garlic, onions, soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar, paprika and black pepper. Mix well.

Add the egg-white and the flour. Mix well, forming into small patties. Use a little flour to better handle the patties. Set aside.

Heat a frying pan to medium heat. Add oil. Pan fry shrimp patties in peanut oil until both sides are golden.

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