Friday, April 30, 2010

Baba Ganoush (Lebanon)

World-Bites (49) / Baba Ganoush

Lebanese appetizers (mezze) are a very important part of lebanese cuisine. Before dinner a large selection of appetizers in tiny dishes is set out for diners. Mezze may include vegetables, kibbeh balls, savory pastries, yogurt, cheese, and olives. Lebanese restaurants compete with each other on the number of mezze dishes they offer and may serve as many as seventy. Eggplant dip (baba ganoush) is a favorite throughout the Middle East, where the eggplant is usually cooked over an open flame, giving the pulp a smoky flavor. Baking it directly on your oven rack will give the eggplant a similar flavor. Baba Ganoush makes a great party dip.


* 1 large eggplant
* 2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
* 1 teaspoon salt
* Juice of 2 lemons, about 6 tablespoons
* 4 tablespoons tahini (ground sea-same seeds paste)
* 2 tablespoons water, more if needed
* 4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley for garnish


* Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
* Wash eggplant. Remove stem. Prick eggplant several times with a fork. Place directly on oven rack and bake for 30 minutes, or until very soft. Carefully remove from oven and cool.
* When eggplant is cool enough to handle, peel off skin. (*) Mash it in a medium bowl with a potato masher, or place in a food processor and process until smooth but not liquid.
* In a small bowl, crush garlic into the salt with the back of a spoon. Beat in lemon juice, tahini, and water. Stir into mashed eggplant. If baba ganoush is too thick, add water 1 tablespoon at a time until mixture is a soft, creamy consistency.
* Divide mixture among four small plates or serve in one dish. Garnish with parsley. Serve Baba Ganoush with pieces of pita bread to scooping it up with.

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