Sunday, August 29, 2010

Borek (Cyprus)

World-Bites (70) / Borek

Cypriot cuisine is shaped by the island's Mediterranean climate, its geography and history. Reflecting the two dominant populations, Cypriot cuisine has evolved as a fusion of Greek and Turkish cuisine with local twists to well known dishes. Further influences are evident from neighboring countries, namely Arabic and Middle Eastern cuisine. Cypriot people celebrate meals and eat without rush all day long. Between the meals they usually eat nuts and almonds roasted or covered with different delicacies (Soushoúkou – almonds in the icing made of molasses and rosy water which can be found almost everywhere), fruit and pastries. Among the last ones the most popular are those filled with olives, dumplings with sesame filling or dumplings made of pumpkin with raisins. Stuffed baked goods in the South include eliopitta, olive-turnover; tashinopitta, a pastry with sesame paste; and kolokotes, a triangular pastry stuffed with pumpkin, cracked wheat and raisins. In the North, street vendors offer Borek, a rich, flaky layered pastry contain- ing bits of meat or cheese.

Ingredients (serves 4):

- 454 gr. (1 lb) Filo Pastry
- 50 ml extra virgin olive oil
- 2/3 cup milk
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp salt
- 3L (13x9x2") Pyrex casserole dish

Spinach Filling
- 1 pkg. (300 gr. frozen chopped spinach
- 1/4 cup crumbled feta
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- Salt
Black pepper


Put the salt, pepper, olive oil and onion in a pan. Cook on medium heat for two minutes. Add the spinach and continue cooking until all liquid has evaporated. Put aside and add the feta cheese.

Now we can move on to the main ingredients. In a bowl, mix the eggs, olive oil, milk and water with a whisk. This liquid mix will go between every two layers of the pastry, and will complement filling. The spinach filling will go in the middle only.

Grease the casserole dish. Place two sheets of the pastry in the bottom and over the sides of the dish. Spread 2-3 tablespoons of the liquid mix on top. Take another two sheets of pastry, fold in half, and stack in the dish. Continue layering until halfway through the pastry. Then, spread all of your main filling onto the stack. Resume layering the pastry and the liquid mix until the pastry is finished. Then, fold the sides of the bottom layer over. Make sure you pour the remaining mix on top to prevent burning in the oven.

Leave the casserole dish in the fridge for 2-3 hours, this way it will be more crispy and tasty. Pre-heat the oven to 175 C (350 F). Bake until golden brown, for approximately 20 minutes.

This recipe goes well with cherries on the side or Ayran. You can have it as a main dish (4 servings) or with afternoon tea as a snack.

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