Saturday, August 28, 2010

Swiss Twists (Switzerland)

World-Bites (68) / Swiss Twists

The food culture of Switzerland has been influenced by its neighbors, especially Italy and France. Pasta and pizza are very familiar in Switzerland. Swiss cuisine is firmly rooted in the dairy products, like cheese, milk, cream, butter and/or yoghurt. Almost anything that you want to prepare in a Swiss way has to contain more or less dairy products. Let your tongue taste the somewhat different twist in this Swiss Twists ! Yes, here's a simple, yet different recipe for your favorite Swiss Twists . Try it and relish!


1 cup light cream

2 eggs, well beaten

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 cups sifted flour

1/2 cup butter



Combine cream, eggs and salt and mix well.
Add flour to make a soft dough.
Turn onto a lightly floured board, dot with butter and work into the dough.
Butter should be firm but not hard.
Place dough in refrigerator several hours.
Roll out on a lightly floured board about 1/8 inch thick.
Cut into diamond or oblong shapes.
Slash each cookie through the center with 1/2-inch gash.
Fry in deep hot fat (375°F.) until browned.
Drain on absorbent paper.
Roll in granulated sugar while hot.

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