Friday, August 27, 2010

Swedish Pancakes (Sweden)

World-Bites (67) / Swedish Pancakes

Swedish food is usually simple and considered as healthy. One can eat lots of kinds of food in Sweden.
Sweden’s cuisine is based on a simple cooking style, often very mild and not very spicy. The meals are not very elaborate and many will find them scarce in vegetables. Traditional recipes were influenced by the lack of plants due to the long Swedish winters and many modern dishes still include only small amounts of vegetables. rutabaga is a native turnip that was among the most popular plant types in Swedish cooking until it got replaced by the Potato. Swedish cuisine uses elements from various cooking traditions borrowed from their neighbors and developed from their own traditional dishes. Swedish Pancakes belong to this category.


* 3 eggs
* 2½ cups low-fat milk
* 1¼ cups flour
* ½ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter, melted


1. Beat the eggs with half the milk.
2. Beat in flour and salt.
3. Stir in melted butter and remaining milk.
4. Heat a griddle with vegetable oil.
5. Pour about ¼ cup batter onto the griddle and cook over medium heat 1 to 2 minutes.
6. Turn the pancakes and cook about ½ minute.
7. Serve immediately.

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