Thursday, October 28, 2010

Amandazi (Rwanda)

World-Bites (83) / Amandazi

Rwandan food is neither spicy nor hot. People eat simple meals made with locally grown ingredients.
Lunch and dinner may consist of boiled beans, bananas, sweet potatoes or cassava. Umutsima (a dish of cassava and corn), isombe (cassava leaves with Eggplant and spinach) and mizuzu (fried plantains) are common dishes. Dinner is the heaviest meal. Between meals, Rwandans often snack on fruits. Tropical fruits such as avocados, bananas, mangos and papaya are abundant in Rwanda. Roadside vendors in urban areas sell roasted corn and barbecued meat. Amandazi (fritters) is a popular snack that is also sold at street corners by the roadside vendors.


* 100 gm corn flour
* 30 gm wheat flour
* 20 gm sugar
* 1 egg
* ⅛ litre milk (approximately)
* oil for frying


1. In a bowl, mix flour and sugar.
2. Add the egg and milk and stir to form a viscous dough.
3. In a pan, heat the oil.
4. Add the dough one spoon at a time and fry until golden.
5. Place on paper towels to remove excess oil and serve hot.

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