Monday, October 25, 2010

Kuku Paaka (Kenya)

World-Bites (81) / Kuku Paaka

One delightful element about Kenya food is its diverse flavor. Kenyan cooking draws upon a variety of ethnic traditions merged with the seasonings and tastes of outside countries. Because of Kenya's long-standing relationship with foreign settlers and its colonization by the British, the taste, cooking methods and presentation of Kenyan foods have been greatly influenced by the Indians, Arabs, Europeans, and Pakistanis as well as some western countries. Kenyan food is mainly traditional and typical Kenyan cuisine is readily available in almost every Kenyan eatery. Kuku Paaka, coconut chicken, is a much loved snack which can also be taken as the main meal served with accompaniments like makate mimina, paratha, naan or rice.


• One three and a half pound chicken, skinned and cut into pieces
• Two green chillies, slit
• One tsp garlic paste
• One tsp ginger paste
• Three to four tomatoes, peeled and chopped
• Two to three small onions, chopped
• One pkt coconut cream
• One pint water
• Half a tsp turmeric
• Three tbsp lemon juice
• Salt to taste
• Few coriander leaves, chopped
• Five boiled eggs, shelled (optional)
• Six boiled and skinned potatoes (optional).


1. Boil the chicken with half a tsp salt, garlic, ginger, ground green chillies, onions and two tomatoes until the chicken is cooked
2. In a separate saucepan put the coconut cream, one pint water, one to two tomatoes, slit green chillies, salt and a little turmeric, and bring to boil, stirring all the time.
3. Cook on high heat for fifteen to twenty minutes and then reduce heat
4. When the chicken is cooked, pour a little of the coconut cream gravy over the pieces and grill on both sides for a few minutes
5. Transfer the grilled chicken into the coconut gravy and cook for a while
6. Turn off the heat and add lemon juice
7. Add the boiled eggs and potatoes (optional)
8. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves

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