Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oven-fried Fish (Ghana)

World-Bites (80) / Oven-fried Fish

Ghana is situated on the West coast of Central Africa and its relief is mainly a wide field and a high plateau. Ghana is a country covered in plantations and it is the third global producer of cocoa. Ghanaian people are recognized as one of the friendliest people in Africa and food is a way of expressing themselves and the relation with the others. All Ghanaian people are cooks, as food is a familiar and hospitable way of being friendly, even to strangers or tourists. There is food on the streets, as anybody is selling various meals and aliments in stands or just in wide bowls, from which they serve the customers. Fishing is a main activity in Ghana and that is why so many meals are based on fish: from soups, to snacks and main courses. Crispy oven-fried fish is Ghanians favorite dish that is served with gravy for main meal or with hot pepper salt as snack.


* 2 pounds fresh perch, butterfish, or trout, cleaned
* 1 teaspoon salt
* juice of ½ lemon
* ½ cup cooking oil
* 1 teaspoon powdered ginger


1. Season fish with lemon juice, ginger, and salt.
2. Arrange fish on a shallow greased baking tray and brush with oil.
3. Bake in a preheated oven at 300°F until fish is brown and desired crispness is obtained.
4. Cook and serve with hot pepper sauce.

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