Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gorrassa (Sudan)

World-Bites (86) / Gorrassa

Sudan is the widest African state, situated in the North-East Africa. The natural space of Sudan is characterized by tropical forests, steppes and savannas, but there are also a lot of lakes and rivers in the Southern areas; in this region, the fish is the most frequent meal. Sudanese cuisine has been changing and evolving gradually, but most of the dishes remain simple and natural. The most common aliments are Wheat, Beef and sheep meat, tomatoes, sesame seeds (Sudan is a great exporter of sesame) and rice. Sudanese cuisine has various influences, but none of them is dominating the regional culinary cultures. The Northern Sudan tends to have a very simple cuisine. In here, when it was a food crisis back in older times and wheat flour was the basic ingredients, people invented a dish called Gorrassa, a snack dish with sweet and salty taste .

* 250g of wheat flour
* 1/4 tsp baking powder
* 250ml water
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 50g Sultanas / dates (seedless)
* 125g butter
* 4 tbsp Sugar


1. Sift flour into bowl.
2. Add baking powder, salt and Sultanas / dates and stir in water until thick batter.
3. Pour ladle-full of batter onto non-stick flat frying pan and flatten out until evenly spread.
4. Fry at medium heat and flip when golden on one side.
5. Melt butter and pour onto cooked gorraasa and cover with Sugar.

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